BCBA On Demand

Personalized ABA Consultation

Personalized ABA Consultation

Personalized ABA Consultation

Are you seeking help from a BCBA without committing to intensive long-term treatment?

This service may be perfect for you!

Designed for caregivers looking for an alternative to intensive ABA services, we offer 1-on-1 consultations for those who prefer not to receive regular weekly treatment.


What does this include?

This service is for individuals wanting to meet with a consultant 1-on-1 without receiving regular weekly treatment. Each consultation session includes education and implementation of behavior management strategies rooted in ABA principles. Using antecedent and consequence strategies, we teach parents and caregivers how to reduce the individual's motivation for problem behaviors and promote appropriate communication of needs. Recommendations are customized to each individual's and family's needs based on the behavior's function.

Our consultation services also include general strategies and resources around simple skills (when clinically appropriate), including:

  • Increasing independence with self-care/hygiene skills where the skills are present

  • Increasing motivation to complete non-preferred tasks

  • Routines and transitions

  • Following instructions

  • Handling tantrums

  • Turn-taking

  • Direct Instruction

  • Goal setting

  • Fluency training

General proactive (antecedent-based) strategies to develop basic skills (when clinically appropriate) include:

  • Contriving motivation for increased communication

  • Generalization and maintenance of social skills

  • Eating/expanding food repertoires

  • Consistency with toileting routines

  • Sleep routines

Goals that develop caregiver skills to better convey their needs to their service providers (when clinically appropriate) include:

  • School collaboration

  • Outside Agency collaboration

  • Parent advocacy

Homeschool Support: Our goal is to provide a structured and supportive environment where your child can thrive academically while receiving the benefits of ABA therapy. This includes tailored instruction to meet individual learning needs, continuous assessment to monitor progress, and strategies to promote academic success and independence.

Our comprehensive homeschooling support within our ABA therapy clinic includes:

·       Assistance with use of your own homeschooling program

·       1-on-1 tutoring for academic subjects such as math and reading

·       Precision Teaching Tutoring Service

·       Implementation of ABA-approved curriculum and assessments (ABLLS, VBMAPP, Essentials for Living, AFLS, etc.)

School Support: School consultations are available to all educational institutions, from daycare up to primary school. We work collaboratively with teaching staff to ensure the best outcomes across various settings and activities throughout the school day. We offer support and advice on how to best adapt teaching styles to meet the individual needs of the client, guiding and promoting inclusive practices for all students.

Common school services might include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisting with IEP development

  • Conducting Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA) of problem behavior

  • Writing and training school staff to follow Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)

  • Classroom support

  • Shadowing

  • Playground support

  • Staff professional development (PD) sessionsWhat is not covered with this service?

  • Challenging behaviors (e.g., self-injury, aggression, property destruction, elopement) that may pose a risk of injury or harm to the child or others

  • Co-existing mental health disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.)

  • Thoughts and behaviors of self-harm

  • Consultations with other service providers that may be involved

What is not covered under this service?

  • Challenging behaviors (e.g., self-injury, aggression, property destruction, elopement) that may pose a risk of injury or harm to the child or others

  • Co-existing mental health disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, eating disorders, etc.)

  • Thoughts and behaviors of self-harm

  • Consultations with other service providers that may be involved

What does this first session look like?

You will complete an intake questionnaire to let us know what your needs are, so we can tailor our services to best support you and the individual. Consultations are conducted by a BCBA. Private pay families can opt for consultations with a Senior Behavior Analyst Trainee, a Master's-level Behavior Technician working toward BCBA certification. The first session involves observing current contingencies to identify the behavior's function. Based on this observation, we provide tailored recommendations and training, which includes teaching and modeling. Our involvement thereafter is flexible, depending on your family's needs.

Can I sign up for just one session?

Although no minimum number of sessions is required, our sessions are a minimum of 50 minutes, with the option to extend to one hour for more comprehensive training. Please note that consistent engagement and adherence to treatment recommendations, at least short-term, tend to yield better progress. We can also accompany families on community outings where challenging behaviors are likely to occur, such as stores or restaurants.

What is the cost?

We accept most major insurance plans and the scholarship program. For private pay and scholarship participants, the cost is $180 per 50-minute session. If you have insurance, we can try to obtain authorization to cover the service.